June 2, 2021

BlazeMeter Mock Services | Dynamic Data

Service Virtualization

Organizations are Replacing LoadRunner with BlazeMeter. Why?

To say that Micro Focus LoadRunner customers are looking to replace is old news. It has been a well-known fact for years now, and there are plenty of reasons that got them there. 

LoadRunner has been known as a solid and market-leading testing tool for years, which has served the centralized Center Of Excellence (COE) teams well. However, times have changed. Everyone is talking about digital transformation, and when it comes to testing, companies are looking to transform their COE to a Center of Enablement. This new E, enablement, will support the agile teams as they will play a significant role in owning quality and testing. LoadRunner is simply not the right tool for that.

Accordingly, the BlazeMeter Continuous Testing platform is championing this era of transformation and caters to centralized teams, as well as agile teams. BlazeMeter is the most open-source compatible continuous testing platform, which can also be driven by testing-as-code. This is what makes it so popular among those who are looking to become more agile, and shifting testing left.

In the Middle: Running BlazeMeter Services During LoadRunner Displacement

Yet, undergoing a Loadrunner displacement project requires some time. Yes, BlazeMeter is a pretty easy tool to adopt and skill up on, especially if you leverage the BlazeMeter University. But converting scripts, re-writing scripts, and changing the culture can take an understandably significant amount of time. 

While our team is busy enabling your new BlazeMeter users, and work is being done on converting scripts over to Open-Source, it might make sense to continue testing some of the apps with LoadRunner.

In addition, some teams might still be running tests using legacy protocols like Flex or Oracle Tuxedo. In that case, you might still want to use LoadRunner to test those, until these apps will be naturally deprecated.

But what if there’s a need to mock a service, or using a dynamically generated data set?

Running a LoadRunner test utilizing HP Service Virtualization is not that easy, and very limiting. There are known issues with the throughput as well as challenges using dynamic data in parallel to testing the virtualized services.

What if you could run your test in LoadRunner while utilizing BlazeMeter’s Mock Services? Or test while utilizing BlazeMeter’s dynamically generated synthetic data as a service? 

Now, it’s possible! Teams can get value from BlazeMeter whether or not they’ve completed script and test migration.

Introducing BlazeMeter Mock Services and BlazeMeter’s Test Data Management for LoadRunner Scripts

While you're converting or considering converting you can enjoy the unique services BlazeMeter offers - mocking and the BlazeMeter dynamic generator. dynamic data testing.

What are BlazeMeter Mock Services

BlazeMeter’s Mock Services enable testing apps and services while eliminating dependencies that can cause bottlenecks or are very costly. Mock Services help to test the service you actually want to test in a more controlled environment, as you can predefine the transactions of these dependencies. 

What is Test Data

BlazeData enables you to generate synthetic data on-demand by choosing various parameters that will help you create your tests. You can parameterize your tests, dynamically generating names, passwords, tokens, credit card numbers etc. If you wish to know more about utilizing BlazeData, please refer to this blog post.

If you wish to learn how to use them in your LoadRunner test, please see this article.

If you wish to talk to us about your LoadRunner<>BlazeMeter testing needs, feel free to contact us at integrations@blazemeter.com


The Bottom Line

While you are replacing your Micro Focus LoadRunner, utilizing BlazeMeter Mock Services and BlazeData could come very handy during that process. You can mock services and use dynamic test data easily and seamlessly, while running a performance test using LoadRunner.

For more information and assistance, reach out to your Broadcom account team or to integrations@blazemeter.com

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