August 16, 2021

WebdriverIO Tutorial: How to Run WebdriverIO in Taurus

Test Automation

The performance of your web application is more critical than you might think. Today’s users have no patience for web-services with poor loading and response speeds. They all expect to get the information effortlessly in no time. For that reason, the question of how to improve the website in order to get the best possible performance becomes extremely important. This WebdriverIO tutorial will be a big help.

However, before you start the optimization of your website, you’ll need to analyze the current situation so as to observe the bottlenecks, memory leaks factors and other issues that cause website performance degradation.

If you assumed that the largest share of performance and scalability responsibility falls on back-end services, you would be right. But the front-end plays a major role in the data rendering process which also adds time to overall website response time from the user’s end. Unfortunately, most engineering teams consider front-end performance evaluation as a ‘nice-to-have’ validation, but not a mandatory one.

You can find plenty of tools that are helpful for client UI performance evaluation. Most of them allow performance test execution with minimum effort. For example, a handy way to avoid implementation complexity while analyzing your performance is to reuse an already existing UI functional test. A good assistant for that is Taurus, a performance tool that provides integration with many test frameworks (aka executors) in the simplest way.

One of the best tools’ combination for that is WebDriverIO + Taurus.

WebdriverIO is a framework that provides an efficient means of UI functional tests development along with Selenium session management. Moreover, it takes away the heavy setup work. As for Taurus, it always strives for testing simplicity and allows looping of scripts written within different frameworks, even with WebdriverIO.

If you are interested in getting your first WebdriverIO + Taurus script up and running, keep reading!

Table of Contents:

Create Your Own WebdriverIO Test

As a prerequisite for the WebdriverIO test development, it’s necessary to have the following tools installed on your machine:

  • Java
  • Node.js
  • npm
  • Web-browser (In our case, Firefox)

Configuring Your WebdriverIO Tests

Before you create the js test, you’ll first need to set up a Selenium standalone server in a folder, so as to execute all Selenium commands within the browser.

mkdir webdriverio-taurus && cd webdriverio-taurus
curl -O


2. Download and unpack a webdriver for a browser you want to use, e.g. if you have Firefox, you need a geckodriver:

The MacOS command is:

curl -L | tar xz


3. Start the Selenium standalone server by specifying the gecko driver directory. Keep the server running in the background.

java -jar -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=./geckodriver selenium-server-standalone-3.13.0.jar

running webdriverio with taurus

Before you start the selenium-server, make sure that there is no selenium-grid running in the background. Otherwise, it will cause different issues, e.g.:

ERROR: Error forwarding the new session cannot find : Capabilities {browserName: firefox,handlesAlerts:true,javascriptEnabled:true,locationContextEnabled:true,loggingPrefs: org.openqa.selenium.logging...,requestOrigins:{name: webdriverio,url:, version: 4.13.1}, rotatable: true}


4. Open a new terminal tab and initialize a node-based project in the same directory:

cd webdriverio-taurus && npm init --yes


It will prompt you for input for several project’s aspects. In order to automatically  populate all options with information extracted from the current directory,  use the --yes flag. After you have package.json generated, install WebdriverIO to your project:

npm install webdriverio


5. Apart from all features, wdio comes with an out-of-the-box test runner that will make your test execution process much easier. Let’s set up that together! All that you need is to just run the  wdio utility:

./node_modules/.bin/wdio config


The WDIO configuration helper will guide you around all options you need to define. It will install all the required packages and create a wdio.conf.js file.

If you have any doubts about the answers, use the following ones:

run taurus and webdriverio to run ui functional tests

  • we will use mocha as a test framework (The ‘best-of-breed’ automated testing framework for Node nowadays. It provides large flexibility for asynchronous tests creation and fits perfectly with integration and unit testing)
  • our complete test will be in the ./test/specs/**/ directory
  • the level of logging verbosity is silent (no output is wanted unless there are errors)

Great! Now you have a wdio configuration file wdio.conf.js where you can define all the settings and capabilities for WebdriverIO tests.

I want to highlight a few parts from the configuration file that might be important for you:

  • Check tests directory:


  • Define firefox as the used browser in the capabilities section:


  • Make sure you have sync enabled in order to run WebdriverIO commands in a synchronous way:


Sweet! Now you are ready to create your first UI functional test with WebdriverIO. Let’s write a scenario and loop it with Taurus so as to examine the performance of the website.

Create Your WebdriverIO UI Test

Create a spec file ‘flightsearch.js’ under the ./test/specs/ directory.

Our script will verify a simple flow of flight search functionality. The test will have a few steps inside:

  1. Open
  2. Choose the departure and destination cities as Portland and New York respectively
  3. Confirm the choice by clicking ‘Find Flights’
  4. Make sure that all Flights from Portland to New York are presented

The code snippet looks like:

var assert= require('assert');const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT =5000;

describe('flight search',()=>{
 it('should load correct flight',()=>{
   var title = browser.getTitle();assert.equal(title,'BlazeDemo');
     .timeouts('implicit', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).selectByValue('[name="fromPort"]','Portland').selectByValue('[name="toPort"]','New York').click('[value="Find Flights"]').waitForVisible('h3=Flights from Portland to New York:')})});


Congratulations! You have the first UI test created. Let’s check that it works properly with the command:

./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js


Hurray! The test should pass and now you are ready to use this test as part of our performance variation.

Execute Your WebdriverIO Test with Taurus

In order to automate the test and run it repeatedly, we will use Taurus, a powerful open source tool that makes performance test execution simpler and more flexible.

Setting Up Taurus

First of all, we need to set up Taurus on your machine. If you are a Mac user, you can easily do that via the brew install command

brew install bzt


In case you need to update the version, run this:

brew upgrade bzt


The full instruction about Taurus installation and upgrading on your machine can be found on the official website, here on Taurus.

After you set up the automation tool on your machine, it’s necessary to create a yaml file definition that has ‘wdio’ as the executor inside.

For example, Taurus will use these configurations to run 5 cycles of tests defined in the wdio.conf.js file.

wdio.ymlexecution:-executor: wdio
  iterations:5scenario:script: wdio.conf.js# wdio configuration script


Moreover, Taurus lets you define hold-for time for performance tests execution besides a number of iterations.

Run Your WebdriverIO UI Test in Taurus

Now it’s time to check it out! Let’s run our UI test for 1 minute. A configuration file should look like:

execution:-executor: wdio
  scenario:script: wdio.conf.js


The command to execute the performance test is

bzt wdio.yml


After you run the command, you will see the real-time performance results in the terminal:

ui functional testing, automated, open source

Taurus is counting the remaining time (almost 1 minute).

Great! You’ve accomplished the first UI performance test with Taurus. Detailed statistics shows successful results:

taurus automated ui testing

As you can see, Taurus performed 11 similar UI actions in succession for 1 minute

You might notice that during test execution your browser popups many times. If you want to run your tests in the background, set the appropriate firefox options in wdio.conf.js to activate the browser in headless mode:



If you want to try this integration out but don’t want to spend time on all these steps, I have prepared a ‘ready to use’ solution for you that only requires installing Taurus. After that you can check out the test project here on GitHub and run the performance test example by:

bzt wdio.yml


Congratulations! Just few easy steps and now you can reuse your UI functional tests for performance verifications. Just add this step into your QA test automation pipeline. Don’t have one yet? Check out this article and build your own!

Get started with Taurus.