January 5, 2022

IoT Predictions for 2022


What are your IoT predictions for 2022 — and beyond? In this blog, we share our top predictions with you on the future of IoT!

Table of Contents:

How Fast Is IoT Growing?

There is no doubt that the world of IoT is going to grow and become ubiquitous in 2022. IoT devices are everywhere: home, work, cities, cars, industry, military, health… you name it. And the trend is that IoT will be more prevalent in our lives and surroundings.

There is a great demand for IoT devices and products are being produced faster to meet market demand. 

One of my favorite quotes is “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there” (Lewis Carroll – Alice in Wonderland). So, having some foresight on where technology is heading is essential for planning a business strategy.

As companies continue to develop and sell more devices, there is a clear indication of a greater emphasis on testing. Testing of devices is critical and there is a growing market for testing tools for both client (device level) and server (application servers and message brokers).

Besides testing the basic functionality of the device, developers are concerned with assuring the connectivity, availability, and operability of the back-end server. Furthermore, there is a need for testing the responsiveness, stability, and resilience of the system.

To answer these needs, methodologies for performance testing, load testing, stress testing, and others are being utilized. Additionally, product managers are adopting the Continuous Testing paradigm to reduce risk and shorten time to market.

5 IoT Predictions For 2022

The top 5 areas where, from our perspective, we expect there to be a heightened level of IoT growth are:

1. Home Appliances


An image of home appliances, including smartphones, smart fridges, smart washers and dryers, and so on.


Today home appliances are already the biggest area of IoT device usage. Especially with smart devices being used for home security, voice control, and surveillance. We expect a greater adaptation of these types of devices and smart homes.

2. Transportation


An image of a smart car.


Electric Vehicles (EVs) have dozens of sensors connected to the internet. They are essentially IoT devices on wheels. A bill passed into law in California requires that all light-duty automobiles be electric by 2030. But there are many types of transportation vehicles that are connected to the internet. Self-driving taxis are becoming a reality. Also scooter and moped sharing in large cities is a growing phenomenon and these are devices connected to the internet as well.

3. Fleets 


An image of smart fleets.


Companies with fleets of cars, trucks, boats, buses, emergency vehicles and more are increasingly managing them by implanting IoT devices. This is a huge industry with great potential, and we are expecting increased growth and interest in this area.

4. Medical Devices 


An image depicting IoT for medical devices.


Devices that can be worn, such as smart watches, are increasingly being used for monitoring personal health. Not only for fitness but for measuring medical conditions such as Glucose and Heart-rate monitoring for remote care. This is going to be a big business as sensors are used to measure all kinds of bodily conditions. 

5. Drones 


An image of drones connected via IoT.


Drones are essentially flying IoT devices, and this area is expected to explode! Drones are being used for delivery, surveillance, agriculture, and security to name a few. Drones transmit data and video over the internet from sensors and cameras that are connected to them. We expect this sector to be a major game breaker.

3 Changes IoT Industry Will Go Through in 2022

In addition to our predictions, there are other issues that need to be addressed with this burgeoning footprint IoT devices are having. We expect that in 2022 we will be hearing more about:

1. Regulation

Governments are struggling to keep up with the pace that IoT devices are being utilized. There is clearly a greater need for regulation of this industry.

2. Standards 

There needs to be more standardization of the software development, testing, and implementation of IoT based systems. Currently, IoT developers are borrowing from classical methodologies in the software industry. However, specific standards for IoT development are needed.

3. Tools 

Software tools to aid in the development and testing phases of IoT exist, but more are needed. The major players are developing suites of products, and this is an area that will most likely keep growing along with the IoT market.

Conquer IoT Predictions With BlazeMeter

BlazeMeter is a cloud SaaS product (Software as a Service) that is well positioned for supporting IoT testing. BlazeMeter can be used for performing functional, performance, load, and stress testing. Additionally, BlazeMeter can be used for monitoring the functionality of back-end systems being used by IoT devices. Using plugins, BlazeMeter can be integrated with CI/CD pipelines and APMs (Application Performance Monitoring systems).



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