March 24, 2020

What is Postman? How to Use Postman to Test APIs

API Testing

This blog will give a step-by-step guide on how to do Postman API testing in order to simplify the API testing process. 

APIs make it possible for any two separate applications to transfer and share data between them. They also make it easier for an application's users to execute actions without having to use the application’s GUI. From the developers' POV, it's an easy way to execute certain functionalities of their app and test it as well.

Using APIs on a daily basis might become cumbersome, as one might have dozens or even hundreds of APIs that he or she needs to use or test. That makes it difficult to keep up with their exact request’s address(es), header(s), authorization credential(s) etc. And it makes it harder to test the API for functionality, security, and exception handling.

Table of Contents:

What is Postman?

Postman is an API client that makes it easy for developers to create, share, test and document APIs. With this open-source API testing tool, users can create and save simple and complex HTTP/s requests, as well as read their responses. 

To successfully run Postman API tests, you need to get Postman installed by downloading it and installing it here.

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Why Use Postman API Testing?

There are many benefits to using open-source Postman for API testing, including: 

  1. Accessibility from the cloud. When you are signed into your account, you are able to access your files. You can execute Postman API tests anytime, anywhere.
  2. Collaboration. Postman's import and export capabilities make it easier to share files with other team members, enabling closer collaboration. 
  3. Test Creation. You can add test checkpoints such as verifying successful HTTP response statuses to your Postman API calls. This capability can help teams achieve more comprehensive test coverage.  
  4. Automated API Testing. With features such as Collection Runner, you can automate Postman API tests, saving time and resources. 
  5. Simpler debugging. The Postman console makes it easier to debug API tests by helping teams check the retrieved data. 
  6. Collections. Postman's Collections features enables teams to group together multiple related APIs, which helps with organizing test suites.

Upgrade your API testing and monitoring with BlazeMeter — the testing solution preferred by developers.

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How to Use Postman to Test API 

Postman is very convenient when it comes to executing APIs. Once you’ve entered and saved them, you can simply use them over and over again, without having to remember the exact endpoint, headers, or API keys.

Here is a detailed example explaining how to enter a new API request using BlazeMeter’s ‘test create’ API, but you can do this for the product you are developing:

Launch Postman by clicking on the logo. After it completely loads the main screen, follow these steps to create your collection of requests:

  1. On the “collections” tab click on the “+” button to create a new collection. A new collection will appear and you will be able to edit its name, description, and many other settings.
Collections tab in Postman

You can now run API testing through BlazeMeter!



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