Global Software Development Company Globant Saves Time on Scripting with BlazeMeter


Globant is a global software development house with nearly 10,000 employees, operating in 16 countries around the world. Their customers include multinational airlines, pharmaceutical companies, telecommunication companies and global banks.

"We have been using BlazeMeter for the last two years. I would recommend it over LoadRunner because it is easier to use, and more intuitive. It’s easy to set up in the CI/CD pipeline with the tools that your team likes to use. It’s easy to generate the metrics we need. LoadRunner is more complicated to generate scripts, while with BlazeMeter you can record with the Chrome Extension."



Globant run tests for some of the biggest companies around the globe, including several leading telecommunication and media companies. These companies need high level performance and load testing, as well as functional testing to make sure that their products will perform under load. They need to test both public facing sites, including sites with lots of images and carrousels, as well as backend applications.


Globant uses BlazeMeter to make sure that the high traffic sites they are working with are ready for production.

Everyone on the testing team is using BlazeMeter. As part of their performance strategy, they use BlazeMeter before production, but also use BlazeMeter for small scale “sanity tests” during production. They also run biweekly large scale performance tests, for up to 200k virtual users.


Using BlazeMeter together with JMeter means that they can scale up their tests from the cloud, without putting too much stress on local servers. They can also direct traffic from several relevant locations, which they couldn’t do with just JMeter.

Using the BlazeMeter Chrome Extension has saved their team time on scripting, and it is a huge benefit for the Globant team that BlazeMeter works with all the open source tools that their team utilizes, like JMeter

Combining pre-production large scale load testing with smaller sanity tests during production means the Globant team can guarantee quality for their clients.



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